New treatments in early age-related macular degeneration

5 September 2012
Volume 13, Issue 3

This article reviews the various treatment options available as prophylactic therapy for early AMD.


Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness amongst the elderly in the western world. An estimated 30% of people aged 75 years or older show at least the early manifestations of AMD, which consists of yellow deposits (drusen) and/or pigment clumps. In the UK, there are 25 000 new cases of wet AMD each year and the current intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy costs 1% of the annual £9 billion NHS budget. Currently, there is no treatment to prevent progression of the earlier stages of AMD. Prevention is better than cure and there is ongoing research into finding a preventive therapy for this disease. This article reviews the various treatment options available as prophylactic therapy for early AMD.

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