Disciplinary Panel
The Disciplinary Panel has responsibility for considering allegations of cheating and misconduct referred by the Director of Education, or their deputy.
To read more about cheating and misconduct, please refer to the regulations 47-57 and 73-81.
The Disciplinary Panel meet in private to decide on the basis of the documents before it whether there is a case to answer.
- If they decide there is no case to answer, no further action will be taken by the College.
- If they decide there is a case to answer, but that the case is not of sufficient severity to be referred to the GOC for consideration under its Fitness to Practise procedures, the members of the Disciplinary Panel will require the trainee to be reassessed in such competencies as they think fit.
- If they decide there is a case to answer of sufficient severity, the case will be referred to the GOC for consideration under its Fitness to Practise procedures and the members of the Disciplinary Panel will require the Trainee to be reassessed in such competencies as they think fit, pending the outcome of the GOC’s procedures. It is possible that the trainee will be removed from the Scheme for Registration until the outcome from the GOC is known.
A Trainee has a right to appeal to the Appeals Review Panel if they disagree with the Disciplinary Panel’s decision. An additional fee will be payable for this as detailed in the regulations.
Further information
- Find out about future Disciplinary Panel meeting dates