How do I appeal my Appeals Panel outcome?

If you are unsatisfied with your recent Appeals Panel outcome, you are able to appeal the Panel’s decision under Regulation 21. If you choose to appeal, you must set out the grounds for appeal and include further supporting evidence. Your application will then be presented in front of the Appeals Review Panel.

Situations in which you can appeal

Applications for an appeal will only be considered in the following circumstances:

  • if there is further evidence, not available at the time of the original Appeal Panel meeting


  • if there is evidence that there was some irregularity in the Appeals Panel Process

Decisions about your appeal

The Appeals Review Panel has the right to: 

  •  approve an application for extending the allotted time, including specifying the length of the extension or the additional extension, or restarting the Scheme for Registration
  • refuse an appeal

The decision of the Appeals Review Panel is final.

How to appeal

You have to include new substantial evidence to support your reason/s. Your application submitted for the original Appeals Panel will be added alongside your new evidence and sent to the Appeals Review Panel for consideration.

You will also need to pay a fee of £115 for the appeal to be considered. Please note that the appeal application fee is non-refundable. 

To submit an appeal, go to the My College area and submit your application under the Extension Request tab. Please make sure you only attach new supporting evidence.