
In the news

Deborah Bott is the first author of the winning entry of the 2024 College of Optometrists Early Career Researchers Poster Competition.

Latest from Acuity

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question on a tricky scenario to a panel of members.

Latest clinical file

Clinical files: What impact should a patient's home genetics test have on my clinical decision-making?

More on glaucoma

80-90% of diagnosed POAG cases in the UK are initially detected during routine eye examination.

Articles cover: The NICE guideline on diagnosis and management of COAG and ocular hypertension, glaucoma detection, cataract development in relation to morphology and depression and acquired visual Impairment.

The classification, risk factors and detection of glaucoma.

An insight into the development of the guidance, its implementation and implications for optometry.

Articles cover: Low vision; HES case studies, a community ophthalmic service for the management of paediatric refractive eye problems; glaucoma co-management; contact lens devices in the management of corneal and ocular surface disease; and extended roles in hospital optometry.

Results and analysis of a randomised controlled trial of an alternative model of glaucoma care by optometrists.

Articles in this edition of OiP cover angle closure glaucoma in optometric practice, colour vision testing, children and contact lenses, and hereditary ocular diseases in childhood.

Articles cover: The medical management of diabetes; the Glaucomatous Optic Disc, retinal haemorrhage and ophthalmic lens materials.

A review of optic disc assessment in glaucoma, in order to enhance the background knowledge of optometrists in undertaking these roles.

Francis Carbonaro tackles the role of genetics in eye disease with a basic review of genetic principles and their relevance to optometry.

A focus on gonioscopy, and how the technique will be used in the future.

The work of the OLGA clinic at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital.