Public health

Podcast: Daniel talks to Dr Melanie Hingorani FRCOphth, Clinical Lead for Eye Care Restoration and Transformation at NHS England, about the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on referrals.

We believe that vaccine uptake will be maximised when staff are supported to make their own decisions, having been provided with clear, evidence-based information on the benefit and value of vaccinations.

Incredible side-by-side photos show the true impact common eye conditions, such as cataracts and short-sightedness, have on obstructing drivers’ vision

The College of Optometrists is encouraging drivers to consider their eyesight when driving.

We're developing a number of resources to help our members introduce compassion into their practice and provide the leadership needed to help nurture a supportive and clinically effective team.

The College responded to a DSHC consultation to support the extension of provision of free PPE to the health and care sector, including optometrists, after 31 March.

A message from Colin Davidson, College President.

Eye health issues that are making the news.

A glance at what’s happening in the world of technology.

Clinical editor Jane Veys considers the ocular benefits of a good night's sleep.

Helen Gilbert asks what are the signs of depression you should look for among those with low vision and how optometrists can help them

The Brain Tumour Charity’s Lorcan Butler on detecting serious disease during an eye examination.