Public health

The Enhanced Scheme Evaluation Project (ESEP) was launched in October 2012 to conduct evaluations of different enhanced/community-based eye care service models.

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Podcast: Find out about Dr Joanne Wood's latest research on how “Refractive Blur Affects Judgement of Pedestrian Walking Direction at Night” and our latest campaign - Focus on Life.

Demodex infestation of the lash follicles and the eyelid glands is fairly common and may contribute to the pathogenesis of some cases of chronic lid margin and ocular surface inflammation and Meibomian gland dysfunction.

A summary and report explaining the evidence behind the recommendations about lid hygiene in the Clinical Management Guideline on blepharitis.

Our Clinical Adviser explains the evidence for eye yoga.

In each issue, Acuity poses a topical question to a panel of members.

Key statistics from 40 years of college research

Around 18 million GOS forms are filled out by hand every year, but an online system is now available to submit claims electronically to PCSE. Natalie Healey explores the implications for practice, and an early adopter shares top tips for making the move.

Léa Surugue discusses taking a needs-based approach to clinical care, and the need to build communication and training skills.

The Low Vision Service Wales has proved a lifeline for patients since it was set up 18 years ago. Helen Gilbert explores the secrets behind its success and the lessons other countries can learn.

Thinking about your experiences to gain insights into your practice, improve patient care and the way you work is all part of reflective practice. Sophie Goodchild explores how to bring the learning tool into personal clinical practice.