Career profile: Andrew Elder Smith FCOptom MSc DipCLP FBCLA FIACLE

30 July 2020
Summer 2020

The Deputy Chair of CET Approvers at the GOC on specialising in contact lenses and his decision to sell his independent practice.

Andrew Elder Smith

Clinical tutor and hospital optometrist

University of Bradford, University of Manchester and Doncaster Royal Infirmary

Why did you choose optometry as a career?
I wanted a role in healthcare where I could help people and a job that gave me a good work/life balance.

How did the specialism in contact lenses (CLs) come about?
I was fascinated by both the technical and the clinical sides of the work. I also enjoy seeing the big grin that comes over people’s faces when they suddenly realise they can see without their glasses for the first time. You know it’s making a big difference to them.

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Related further reading

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