Red Phase guidance relates to a situation where primary care health services are suspended. This is not the case during the present lockdown and patients are still able to access their GPs, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists. Each nation's government has stated that during this lockdown, primary care services should remain open to provide care wherever possible and where it is safe to do so. The College is supportive of keeping primary care services open. We believe if they were close, this would lead to increased pressure on eye care services and the NHS now and in the future, and would lead to vision loss and other eye health issues that could have been avoided prevented or successfully treated/managed if they were identified in time.
Amber Phase guidance prioritises emergency/urgent and essential care on a needs- and symptoms-led basis, but still allows for patients to book a face-to-face appointment with an optometrist if, after undertaking phone triage, the optometrist believes it will be beneficial, that is does not put the patient at risk and that they have the capacity to provide it without compromising IPC. For example, leaving adequate time between appointments to ensure that examination rooms are sufficiently cleaned. Optical practices should balance both the patient's risk of COVID-19 and their eye health when booking appointments. During these lockdowns, all asymptomatic routine patients at higher risk of COVID-19 should be offered the choice to defer their appointment.
Since the first lockdown in March, there has been robust guidance on adapting practice to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Practitioners have sufficient PPE and practices have measures in place to ensure social distancing and good hygiene practice. At present, there is no evidence to suggest that current PPE and IPC measures is insufficient to protect against the virus. Many practices in the UK can now access equipment for twice weekly lateral flow testing, with the first kits arriving in January. As essential workers, front line health care practitioners, including optometrists, will be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccinations.
The College’s Amber Phase guidance is supported by the GOC, AOP, FODO, Optometry Wales, Optometry Scotland and PHE.
Updated: 13 January 2021