Public health

Clinical case studies can make a small but important contribution to the sum of clinical knowledge. Why do we need them, asks Kim Thomas, and how do you write one?

Kathy Oxtoby introduces the first article in a series on an ageing population and the implications for eye health and the optometry profession in the UK.

Adrian O’Dowd examines whether it is time for a change that will enable optometrists to certify patients as visually impaired.

Reducing the carbon footprint of optometry is increasingly crucial but, asks Steve Smethurst, how can we do it effectively?

A conversation about clinical care in Northern Ireland and a passion for research.

Handovers are an essential, but often overlooked, aspect of the patient’s journey. Abi Millar shows why handovers are so important and what it takes to get it right.

Léa Surugue asks why patients don’t show up to appointments and how to ensure greater attendance levels.

Where do you start when writing a clinical case study? We summarise the steps with advice from College Director of Knowledge and Research Mike Bowen.

As the nights draw in and winter deepens, we may experience some problems with our vision, and find that our eyes need some seasonal care.

Integrated care systems became legal entities in England in July 2022. Kathy Oxtoby looks at how these changes will affect the profession.

Clinical Files: What steps should I take to ensure my practice remains open to provide eye care safely and protect my staff, while we are in the green phase?